About Me…

And another update!  I traded in my Nursing Attendant job for the job of “mommy” and I’m liking it a lot.  Like most other things in life, it’s certainly not easy (who know a baby could scream for 3 hrs straight!  *I* want that kind of endurance!) but it’s GOOD.  We are head-over-heels in love with our little baby girl, who came into the world after 9 months of sickness, 4 days of inducing, and a C-section.  I still work a little on the side, and my man is still working as an electrician’s apprentice.

Choosing Joy is sometime I need to do even more now.  Instead of focusing on the diaper blow-out, or how tired I am, my days go better if I choose to enjoy the small moments with my baby — her smiles when she wakes up, or her shrieks of delight at the dog — and be thankful that I have soiled clothes soaking by the washing machine because it means God gave us a beautiful baby who lights up our world.

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Well, I guess it’s time to update this, eh!?

I graduated from Bible school after three years on the other end of the country.  They were long years.  Tough years, so I started this blog to chronicle the things that made me smile every day, in an effort to “Choose Joy.”  God knew what He was doing, and He taught me a lot at school, so the result was good.

Now I am a wife of 7 months, married to the man who sat in front of me in school for my entire first semester and completely stole my heart in the process!  I love married life, I’d do it again a thousand times over (and yes, to the same man!), and though it’s not always easy either, it is GOOD.  My husband is working as an electrician’s apprentice, and I am being a wife, and working part-time as a Nursing Attendant in a Long Term Care Unit.  I love my new life, and I love my new husband even more!

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2006-2009 — I am attending Bible school on the other end of the country from my home. God wants me here; I have no doubt of that, and therefore, I am at peace with it. The going gets pretty rough sometimes, however.  Therefore, this blog started out with two purposes:
1) to chronicle the things that make me smile each day, which will help me “Choose Joy” even when life isn’t all that happy. (for further explanation, check out my first 2 entries on Oct. 2/07)
2) to help my family keep track of me 😉
3) to keep a record of my life here, since I’ve found that the more I blog, the less I journal about the everyday things, because I’ve already expressed them.

Enjoy reading, and leave a comment if you’d like (if you’re not like a certain brother of mine who thinks blogs are the most ridiculous things on the planet!)

August 30 — Back at my eastern home


6 thoughts on “About Me…

  1. Pretty good. Sorry I’m so late getting here…

    I like your theme. Sort of like Dave’s “Enjoy the Process” last year!!

    And yeah, we need help keeping track of you!

  2. Awesome, Lois. I have been reading this. Not entirely keeping up, but I take procrastination afternoons like this one to read all that I’ve missed. It makes me laugh…and choose joy too. Good job. Proud of you. Oh, how about a shopping spree in December?

  3. Hey lois:) i love your blog! i have really enjoyed reading them to see what new things God has been teaching you and showing you but also to hear about the funny things that happen in and throughout your day, and it’s really neat when you put scripture verses on some of them, it’s very encouraging:) Keep Shining for Him girl! You are making an impact not only in my life but also the lives of So Many around you and i am So thankful to have a friend such as you;) Praying for you always

  4. Love the blog Lois. I had no idea till you just told me… It’s great to hear about all the great things that God is showing and teaching you… it’s very encouraging… Miss you like crayzie and praying for you! 🙂

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